Renewable Energy and Water Desalination are a Moral Commitment for the Prosperity of our Children and Grandchildren ........................... we shall leave a Clean and Healthy Planet for them


Sana’a / Yemen 2004

Click on the Logo for more information


/ Jordan 2005

Click on the Logo for more information

The Third Middle East - North Africa Renewable Energy Conference
Cairo, 12-14 June 2006
Click on the Logo for more information

Renewable Energies around the Mediterranean

 A study commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Environment
and conducted by the German Aerospace Center DLR


                       See results                                                     See results

                     Executive summary in Arabic          الترجمة العربية        Executive summary in Arabic

         (PDF File 1.2 MB need "simplified arabic" fonts)        (PDF File 850 kB need "simplified arabic" fonts)

Damascus 21-24 June 2007

Click on the Logo for more information

See results

I am delighted at the growing interest of the Arab states, and have therefore gladly accepted the invitation of the Syrian government to take part in the 4th Middle East and North Africa Renewable Energy Conference – MENAREC 4 - in  Damascus from 21 to 23 June 2007. Speech of Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel to the Conference  English   Deutsch
Sigmar Gabriel; Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany;
during opening the Ministerial Conference on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Conference outcomes (PDF 132 kB)
(note recommendation no. 3)

MENAREC 5  in Morocco
15-16 May 2012 in Marrakech
Click on the Logo for more information

ميناريك السـادس في الكويت الرابع إلى السادس من إبريل 2016
MENAREC 6 in Kuwait 4-6 April 2016

Other interesting conferences follow this Link

Solar Potential of the World

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